▰ If you want to suggest new feature or report an issue, please use the feedback feature in the app. Long-press any term and tap look up to search for illustrations Long-press any term and tap look up to look for its definition In Detailed screen, long-press any term and tap look up to look for wikipedia article By this time Majors seminal dictionary of African American slang had been revised and enlarged as Juba to Jive in a widely available Penguin Books volume.
Search an entry by its name or its meaning Each entry is followed by examples illustrating how an expression is used in everyday conversation and, where necessary, International Phonetic Alphabet pronunciations are given, as well as cautionary notes for crude, inflammatory, or taboo expressions. The dictionary offers complete definitions of more than 8700 slang and informal expressions from various sources.
I's the first English dictionary of slang.This app provided an offline version of the dictionary of American Slang and Colloquialism
Compiled and edited by Albert Barrre and Charles G. A classical dictionary of the vulgar tongue by Francis Grose (1785) Some slang terms are created by combining two words into one that has a new meaning. A dictionary of slang, jargon & cant, embracing English, American, and Anglo-Indian slang, pidgin English, tinkers' jargon and other irregular phraseology.Londinismen, slang und cant: London slang, English-German dictionary, by Heinrich Baumann (1887).Passing English of the Victorian era, a dictionary of heterodox English, slang and phrase, by James Redding Ware (1909) 'Hours of happy browsing for language lovers' Observer Drawing on the unique resources of the Oxford English Dictionary and offering coverage of over 6,000 slang words and expressions from the Cockney ‘abaht’ to the American term ‘zowie’, this is the most authoritative dictionary of slang from the 20th and 21st centuries.The slang dictionary, etymological, historical and anecdotal, by John Camden Hotten (1913).Slang and its analogues, past and present, A dictionary historical and comparative of the heterodox speech of all classes of society for more than three hundred years, by John Farmer & William Henley (1890)Ī-B - C-Fi - Fl-H - I-M - N-Ra - Re-St - St-Z.Dictionary of slang and colloquial English by John Farmer & William Henley (1905).French slang: colloquial Canadian French, with translation into English.NewZealandSlang: New Zeeland slang dictionary.New Zealand global: New Zeeland slang dictionary.